At IMS2024, MilliBox unveils its first Compact Antenna Test Range

SAN JOSE, CA JUNE 6, 2024 — MilliBox the leader in compact benchtop mmWave anechoic chambers and antenna positioners unveils a full Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) capable of 3D radiation pattern in sub-THz spectrum.

CATR is a type of over-the-air (OTA) antenna test system which uses a parabolic reflector to eliminate the far field measurement distance requirement. When frequency increases, the far-field distance also increases and direct far-field measurements, as used in other MilliBox, may become impractical for large antenna array applications. In this situation, the use of a parabolic reflector and a precisely placed probe render the test system compact and practical as a benchtop setup.

MBX32CTR is a complete solution for mmWave and sub-THz OTA measurement with a quiet zone of 150mm. This package includes an MBX32 chamber, GIM04H-300E 2-axis positioner, laser alignment system, 300mm parabolic reflector, and its focus probe antenna.

This product comes from the cooperation between MilliBox and Eravant. MilliBox contributes the chamber and the 3D antenna positioner, while Eravant developed the 300mm reflector and probes for the frequency band required. Eravant also contributes frequency extenders for spectrum usage above 50GHz. Maury Microwave provides the StabilityPlus Low Profile cable assemblies needed to carry the signals out of the 3D positioner. This full package is introduced on the market as a complete solution by MilliBox.

“Through internal innovation or with strategic partnerships, MilliBox continues to pave the way for accessible test systems that makes mmWave and sub-THz possible for all,” says Chinh Doan, CEO of MilliBox.

During the IMS2024 exhibition, MillBox is showing the MBX32CTR-06 in their booth 705 for the first time. This demonstration operates in D-Band 110GHz to 170GHz and performs a live display of 3D antenna radiation pattern captured in real time.

About MilliBoxMilliBox is a product line of mmWave and THz antenna testing systems based in San Jose, California, launched by mmWave IC pioneers Chinh Doan and Jeanmarc Laurent in 2018. With over 300 setups installed worldwide, MilliBox established itself as the leader in affordable and modular benchtop over-the-air mmWave antenna test solutions. MilliBox products are carefully designed and responsibly manufactured in the USA. OTA your way!

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