GIM01, GIM03 and GIM1D are the first-generation mmWave antenna positioners introduced in 2018. Combined with MBX0x series of chambers, these systems were developed for over-the-air (OTA) test solutions. These antenna positioners are simple to use and work with the same software as any other MilliBox positioner. Even though the original positioners have been naturally supplanted by GIM04 series and GIM05 series, they are still available for sale and popular especially for engineers who have been using them for a while and don’t want to change. We do not plan to phase out the production of these models at the moment, but in many cases newer models offer superior features. Note that the mounting footprints, most of the DUT mounting platform, and the software controller are compatible across all MilliBox positioner models.
GIM01 is our most economical 3D positioner and is still widely used in the industry. It features a 12V power supply and an 11cm wide deck suitable for PCB antennas up to 0.5kg. It is also the only MilliBox positioner with direct drive V axis for maximum efficiency.
GIM03 was our first large DUT platform positioner for larger DUT like communication systems and radars. With 27cm of platform and 3kg, it is very comparable to GIM04 models. When it was introduced, GIM03 was very popular, and it continues to have a large installation base today. It is still available for purchase. However, since it does not present major advantages over GIM04, it is getting out of fashion and most new customers are opting for GIM04.
GIM1D with its azimuth-only motorized axis is sometimes considered a turntable or an accessory to a more elaborate 3D setup. It is frequently used as a meta-surface or reflector holder for monostatic radar test setups. In function, GIM1D is replaced by GIM05-340A and GIM05H-440A, which are also azimuth-only positioners and can carry larger loads with higher accuracy. But GIM1D still has some traction as a convenient accessory.