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MilliBox: mmWave and sub-THz Antenna Test Systems
Several hundreds of MilliBox antenna test systems are used daily by the leading design teams in the fields of millimeter wave radar, automotive and consumer sensors, 5G NR, 6G advanced research, satellite communications, space, defense, academic research, education, meta-surfaces, Ultra-Wide Band and more.
MilliBox is Modular and Flexible
- Extend your antenna testing capabilities when your needs evolve.
- Dozens of possible configurations of anechoic chambers and antennna positioners.
- Add countless standard or custom accessories.
- Direct far-field measurements or CATR setup.
- Connects to most instruments on the market.
- Software controller in Python, delivered in source.
- Unlimited access to software releases.
- mold your setup to your vision.
MilliBox is Accessible and Affordable
- No more delay booking shared resources onsite or offsite.
- Keep your setup on your lab-bench for 24/7 availability.
- Get the results you need when you need them.
- Replicate test results across your organization sites.
- Competitive in do versus buy equation.
- Optimized packaging to save freight costs.
- Fits nicely on existing lab bench.
- Start testing on the same day.
What is a MilliBox Antenna Test System?
mmWave Anechoic Chambers
MilliBox portfolio consist of mmWave and sub-THz anechoic chambers and antenna positioners. They are cost-effective and modular, therefore addressing the shortcomings of other systems. MilliBox systems are designed to test antenna radiation patterns over the air. Because the far-field requirement for a millimeter wave antenna is short, Millibox chamber dimensions fit nicely on the lab bench. Additionally, they provide a comfortable working position for the user.
MilliBox is constructed out of modular cubes, which are combined to achieve the far field distance required. For example, MBX02 with two cubes gives a far field of 77cm, whereas MBX04 with four cubes can give you a far-field distance of 200cm. MBX0x products are constructed out of 24 inch cubes, and MBX3x products are made of 30 inch cubes.
All MilliBox chambers are equipped with an instrument bay below the chamber deck, such that instruments like spectrum analyzers and Vector Network Analyzer are placed close to the device under test. As a result, the Coax lengths are reduced, which is important for reliable test results. The deck panels have pass-through holes large enough for feeding Power, Control, and RF signals.
Multi axis Antenna Positioners
MilliBox chambers can be equipped with 3D antenna positioners, also called Gimbals. The positioners are made of plastic material, therefore reducing stray mmWave reflection. The positioner control interface is USB, and the software controller is provided in Python source code. As a result, the user can modify and augment the software's capabilities easily. Above all, the controller can run on any OS platform. The output from the software is in a CSV file containing all the acquired data and, as a result, plots into a 3D radiation pattern.
Because mmWave Device Under Test has different requirements, several types of positioners are available. MilliBox modular HV antenna positioners like GIM04 cover 360 degrees in the Elevation and Azimuth Plane. Whereas spherical roll antenna positioners operate in Theta and Phi planes to render full radiation sphere. Additionally, all positioner resolution is lower than 0.1 degrees.
In conclusion, MilliBox provides a wide range of solutions for your mmWave antenna tests
For a comparison of the full line of MilliBox mmWave chambers and positioners, please see the complete MilliBox product guide.
Application Specific Configurations
MilliBox portfolio is wide and can make hundreds of combinations of antenna positioners and anechoic chambers with many accessories to complete your OTA testing or radar testing setup in mmWave or sub-THz domain. Based on customer interest, choice pattern and feedback, we identified some test system configurations that are their own bundle by popular demand.
MilliBox offers complete solution packages tailored to specific applications. For instance, MBX32E for sub-THz other-the-air (OTA) antenna measurement, MBX33R for mmWave radar performance testing, and MBX32CTR as a compact antenna test range. These configurations are flexible for further adjustment, so you may take them as a solid starting point in your quest for your own best antenna test system.
Additional Resources
Build Your MilliBox
Build Your MilliBox is a web application that allows you to input your test requirements and provides options for the compact anechoic chamber and positioner choice to fit your DUT. Accessories can also be added to your selection and an RFQ can be sent directly to the MilliBox sales team for prompt response.
How Can MilliBox Help Your Project?
If you have a project involving the test of mmWave or sub-THz antenna, MilliBox has the antenna test systems that you need to succeed.
Click below to learn more about our wide range of products and services or get a quote. We look forward to becoming your go-to team of technology experts.