MilliBox Small Business Discount in July 2020

got mmWave?
In the current context, we want to help our fellow small businesses in mmWave industry. We decided to apply a discount 5% and up for all small businesses, minority owned businesses or academics on all our product line for new orders starting July 2020.

The price model of most mmWave test equipment manufacturers in the industry is making it so much harder for little guys to get a fair chance at the innovation spree surrounding 5GNR and mmWave radar, forcing them to settle for subpar DIY resource draining catastrophes. That’s always been our battle, but now we want to do even more and support small emerging mmWave innovators just like us.

OTA test of mmWave antenna should not cost more than a microwave setup, we demonstrated, it should cost less!

Your antenna array test budget now goes farther than you thought, contact [email protected] today.
#mmwave #5gnr #RF #radar


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